To become the most effective and efficient Spiritan Development Support center in advancing a new global social order in the next 4 years: a world where all can enjoy their fair share of the gifts of the creation, fulfill their God-given potentials and live in enduring justice and peace.
We are passionate about the human dignity and integral development of the most abandoned populations in the global south by supporting development projects anchored on the integrity of creation, strong ethical values, respect for indigenous knowledge, and local innovations.
100% of funds that we receive as donations for projects are entirely deployed to our projects. Our members support our operations costs.
We do not negotiate or compromise high professional and ethical standards in all our dealings with our benefactors, partner organizations and beneficiaries.
We are very attentive to gender balance, cultural diversity and social inclusivity throughout the life span of projects that we support.
Protection of the integrity of creation and sustainable style of life are eternal values to our organization.
- Weak capacity of the board membership
- Weak capacity of the management team (Secretariat)
Rejig the entire organization for optimal performance to meet the demands and expectations of the circumscriptions of the global South.
Enlarge the membership of the board from 6 to 10 to include professionals in the relevant and identified areas.
Train the board members to be passionate about the vision, mission and values of the organization.
To put in place an objective effectiveness and efficiency criteria for the board members.
To employ a program officer in the next 2 year.
To engage the services of volunteers to compliment the efforts of the staff.
Train the management team to be passionate about the vision, mission and values of Kibanda.