Kibanda Applications, no such restriction applies, provided the all the information required by our partner agencies is submitted and if such applications are made by Developmental Coordinators or other Spiritan functionaries, they must have the approval of their Superior and in many cases, also from another relevant authority. However, Kibanda projects presented for "direct Kibanda funding", as opposed to agency funding, if they are under Euro 10,000, are limited to two projects from each circumscription for our Kibanda May and November Board meetings. Finally, emergency applications related to natural disasters or epidemiological crises, can be considered by our emergency committee, at any time of the year.
Spiritan confreres may submit one mission-related grant application per year. A maximum of three grant applications will be accepted during the calendar year from any province when they are approved and forwarded through the province's development office.
Application Process
Requestor completes the application report and submits to Brussels, along with a letter from the provincial acknowledging and approving the project
Brussels reviews the application and provides comments for clarification
For large projects beyond Kibanda funding capabilitiy, the requestor will be referred to possible other funding sources
Applications to be considered for funding will be reviewed as discussed below
Successful grantees provide banking information
Successful grantees sign and return the funds use terms and conditions agreement
Successful grantees provide progress and completion reports as required; reports with images of those the grant is benefitting and brief videos are encouraged. Every well framed picture tells a story that can be shared with donors.
Funding Cycle
Applications for our May and November meetings arereviewed by the Project Selection Committee in April and October each year.
Submissions for review in April must be received by April 10th.
Submissions for review in October must be received by October 10th.
Successful applicants will be advised of the outcomes in early June and December.