Thank you for visiting our Kibanda website. The European Spiritan Center For Cooperation and Development (also known informally as Kibanda) is a legally established non-for-profit organization registered in Belgium. It was founded to assist Spiritan missionaries worldwide with brokering, technical and financial supports to implement a diverse range of community orientated developmental projects. Some of the developmental projects presented to us are funded directly while many other projects are either partly or fully funded by our partner agencies.We have a new logo. In Kiswahili, 'Kibanda' means 'hut', 'thatched cottage', 'straw hut'. In tropical climates, the straw hut is the place to meet, to talk and to live together; it is also the place where decisions are made. This is what Kibanda wants to be: a link between the North and the South. By sitting in the straw hut with the local population, Kibanda wants to contribute to the great movement of taking control of one's own destiny that is sweeping across Africa and the so-called least developed countries (we should specify 'theleast economically developed' becaause in other respects they precede us). The website aims to provide information on our organization as well as offering project related resources for applicants and regular updates for benefactors on “completed projects” and “projects in need of funding”. Fr. Chika Onyejiuwa C.S.Sp., Director
If you live in the Brussels area and are looking for ways to fulfill your ministry of serving others, consider volunteering at our Brussels office. We are looking for just a few hours a week. This may be a perfect fit provided you have experience in website administration, customer communications or finance.
Giving to others!
A second career!
A reason be grateful for each day!
Please contact us, and thank you!